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rsync sync implementation. Relies on the user having rsync installed on their system

pull(remote_uri, local_path, exclude, dry_run, use_daemon=False, timeout=None, delete=True, verbosity=0, rsync_args=None)

Sync an upstream file or folder into the specified location using rsync. This will overwrite any files and folders already at the destination.


Name Type Description Default
remote_uri ParseResult

The URI for the remote resource to copy from

local_path Path

The destination folder

exclude list of str

Any patterns that should be excluded from the sync

dry_run bool

Whether to only simulate this sync (report the operations to be performed but not actually perform them)

use_daemon bool

By default, the rsync is performed over ssh. If you happen to have an rsync daemon running on your system, however, you're welcome to leverage it instead by passing in use_daemon=True

timeout int

The number of seconds to wait before timing out the sync operation. If None is provided, no explicit timeout value will be set.

delete bool

Whether part of the syncing should include deleting files at the destination that aren't at the source. Default is True.

verbosity int

A modifier for how much info to output either to stdout or the INFO-level logs. Defaults to 0.

rsync_args Iterable[str] | None

Any additional arguments to pass into rsync. Note that rsync is run by default with the flags: -shaz



Type Description

If the destination folder does not exist

  • This method does not provide for interactive authentication. If using rsync over SSH, you'll need to be set up for password-less (key-based) access.
  • If the destination folder does not already exist, this method will not create it or its parent directories.
Source code in enderchest/sync/
def pull(
    remote_uri: ParseResult,
    local_path: Path,
    exclude: Iterable[str],
    dry_run: bool,
    use_daemon: bool = False,
    timeout: int | None = None,
    delete: bool = True,
    verbosity: int = 0,
    rsync_args: Iterable[str] | None = None,
) -> None:
    """Sync an upstream file or folder into the specified location using rsync.
    This will overwrite any files and folders already at the destination.

    remote_uri : ParseResult
        The URI for the remote resource to copy from
    local_path : Path
        The destination folder
    exclude : list of str
        Any patterns that should be excluded from the sync
    dry_run : bool
        Whether to only simulate this sync (report the operations to be performed
        but not actually perform them)
    use_daemon : bool, optional
        By default, the rsync is performed over ssh. If you happen to have an
        rsync daemon running on your system, however, you're welcome to leverage
        it instead by passing in `use_daemon=True`
    timeout : int, optional
        The number of seconds to wait before timing out the sync operation.
        If None is provided, no explicit timeout value will be set.
    delete : bool, optional
        Whether part of the syncing should include deleting files at the destination
        that aren't at the source. Default is True.
    verbosity : int
        A modifier for how much info to output either to stdout or the INFO-level
        logs. Defaults to 0.
    rsync_args: list of str, optional
        Any additional arguments to pass into rsync. Note that rsync is run by
        default with the flags: `-shaz`

        If the destination folder does not exist

    - This method does not provide for interactive authentication. If using
      rsync over SSH, you'll need to be set up for password-less (key-based)
    - If the destination folder does not already exist, this method will not
      create it or its parent directories.
    if not local_path.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"{local_path} does not exist")

    if remote_uri.netloc == get_default_netloc():
        SYNC_LOGGER.debug("Performing sync as a local transfer")
        remote_path: str = unquote(remote_uri.path)
    elif use_daemon:
        remote_path = remote_uri.geturl()
        remote_path = uri_to_ssh(remote_uri)

    if rsync_args:  # pragma: no cover
        raise NotImplementedError

        *(rsync_args or ()),

push(local_path, remote_uri, exclude, dry_run, use_daemon=False, timeout=None, delete=True, verbosity=0, rsync_args=None)

Sync a local file or folder into the specified location using rsync. This will overwrite any files and folders already at the destination.


Name Type Description Default
local_path Path

The file or folder to copy

remote_uri ParseResult

The URI for the remote location to copy into

exclude list of str

Any patterns that should be excluded from the sync

dry_run bool

Whether to only simulate this sync (report the operations to be performed but not actually perform them)

use_daemon bool

By default, the rsync is performed over ssh. If you happen to have an rsync daemon running on your system, however, you're welcome to leverage it instead by passing in use_daemon=True

timeout int

The number of seconds to wait before timing out the sync operation. If None is provided, no explicit timeout value will be set.

delete bool

Whether part of the syncing should include deleting files at the destination that aren't at the source. Default is True.

verbosity int

A modifier for how much info to output either to stdout or the INFO-level logs. Defaults to 0.

rsync_args Iterable[str] | None

Any additional arguments to pass into rsync. Note that rsync is run by default with the flags: -shaz

  • This method does not provide for interactive authentication. If using rsync over SSH, you'll need to be set up for password-less (key-based) access.
  • If the destination folder does not already exist, this method will very likely fail.
Source code in enderchest/sync/
def push(
    local_path: Path,
    remote_uri: ParseResult,
    exclude: Iterable[str],
    dry_run: bool,
    use_daemon: bool = False,
    timeout: int | None = None,
    delete: bool = True,
    verbosity: int = 0,
    rsync_args: Iterable[str] | None = None,
) -> None:
    """Sync a local file or folder into the specified location using rsync.
    This will overwrite any files and folders already at the destination.

    local_path : Path
        The file or folder to copy
    remote_uri : ParseResult
        The URI for the remote location to copy into
    exclude : list of str
        Any patterns that should be excluded from the sync
    dry_run : bool
        Whether to only simulate this sync (report the operations to be performed
        but not actually perform them)
    use_daemon : bool, optional
        By default, the rsync is performed over ssh. If you happen to have an
        rsync daemon running on your system, however, you're welcome to leverage
        it instead by passing in `use_daemon=True`
    timeout : int, optional
        The number of seconds to wait before timing out the sync operation.
        If None is provided, no explicit timeout value will be set.
    delete : bool, optional
        Whether part of the syncing should include deleting files at the destination
        that aren't at the source. Default is True.
    verbosity : int
        A modifier for how much info to output either to stdout or the INFO-level
        logs. Defaults to 0.
    rsync_args: list of str, optional
        Any additional arguments to pass into rsync. Note that rsync is run by
        default with the flags: `-shaz`

    - This method does not provide for interactive authentication. If using
      rsync over SSH, you'll need to be set up for password-less (key-based)
    - If the destination folder does not already exist, this method will very
      likely fail.
    if remote_uri.netloc == get_default_netloc():
        SYNC_LOGGER.debug("Performing sync as a local transfer")
        remote_path: str = unquote(remote_uri.path)
    elif use_daemon:
        remote_path = remote_uri.geturl()
        remote_path = uri_to_ssh(remote_uri)

    if rsync_args:  # pragma: no cover
        raise NotImplementedError

        *(rsync_args or ()),

run_rsync(working_directory, source, destination_folder, delete, dry_run, exclude, *additional_args, timeout=None, verbosity=0, rsync_flags=None)

Run an operation with rsync


Name Type Description Default
working_directory Path

The working directory to run the sync command from

source str

The source file or folder to sync, specified as either a URI string, an ssh address or a path relative to the working directory

destination_folder str

The destination folder where the file or folder should be synced to, with the same formats available as for source

delete bool

Whether part of the syncing should include deleting files at the destination that aren't at the source

dry_run bool

Whether to only simulate this sync (report the operations to be performed but not actually perform them)

exclude list of str

Any patterns that should be excluded from the sync (and sync)

*additional_args str

Any additional arguments to pass into the rsync command

timeout int

The number of seconds to wait before timing out the sync operation. If None is provided, no explicit timeout value will be set.

verbosity int

A modifier for how much info to output either to stdout or the INFO-level logs. At...

  • verbosity = -2 : No information will be printed, even on dry runs
  • verbosity = -1 : The sync itself will be silent. Dry runs will only report the sync statistics.
  • verbosity = 0 : Actual syncs will display a progress bar. Dry run reports will summarize the changes to each shulker box in addition to reporting the sync statistics .
  • verbosity = 1 : Actual syncs will report the progress of each file transfer. Dry runs will report on each file to be created, updated or deleted.
  • verbosity = 2 : Dry runs and syncs will print or log the output of rsync run using the -vv modifier

Verbosity values outside of this range will simply be capped / floored to [-2, 2].

rsync_flags str

By default, rsync will be run using the flags "shaz" which means:

  • no space splitting
  • use output (file sizes, mostly) human-readable
  • archive mode (see:
  • compress data during transfer

Advanced users may choose to override these options, but you do so at your own peril.



Type Description

If the rsync operation times out before completion


If the rsync operation fails for any other reason


This method does not perform any validation or normalization of the source, destination, exclude-list, additional arguments or rsync options.

Source code in enderchest/sync/
def run_rsync(
    working_directory: Path,
    source: str,
    destination_folder: str,
    delete: bool,
    dry_run: bool,
    exclude: Iterable[str],
    *additional_args: str,
    timeout: int | None = None,
    verbosity: int = 0,
    rsync_flags: str | None = None,
) -> None:
    """Run an operation with rsync

    working_directory : Path
        The working directory to run the sync command from
    source : str
        The source file or folder to sync, specified as either a URI string,
        an ssh address or a path relative to the working directory
    destination_folder : str
        The destination folder where the file or folder should be synced to,
        with the same formats available as for source
    delete : bool
        Whether part of the syncing should include deleting files at the destination
        that aren't at the source
    dry_run : bool
        Whether to only simulate this sync (report the operations to be performed
        but not actually perform them)
    exclude : list of str
        Any patterns that should be excluded from the sync (and sync)
    *additional_args : str
        Any additional arguments to pass into the rsync command
    timeout : int, optional
        The number of seconds to wait before timing out the sync operation.
        If None is provided, no explicit timeout value will be set.
    verbosity : int
        A modifier for how much info to output either to stdout or the INFO-level
        logs. At...

          - verbosity = -2 : No information will be printed, even on dry runs
          - verbosity = -1 : The sync itself will be silent. Dry runs will only
                             report the sync statistics.
          - verbosity =  0 : Actual syncs will display a progress bar. Dry run
                             reports will summarize the changes to each shulker
                             box in addition to reporting the sync statistics .
          - verbosity =  1 : Actual syncs will report the progress of each file
                             transfer. Dry runs will report on each file to
                             be created, updated or deleted.
          - verbosity =  2 : Dry runs and syncs will print or log the output
                             of rsync run using the `-vv` modifier

        Verbosity values outside of this range will simply be capped / floored
        to [-2, 2].
    rsync_flags : str, optional
        By default, rsync will be run using the flags "shaz" which means:

          - no space splitting
          - use output (file sizes, mostly) human-readable
          - archive mode (see:
          - compress data during transfer

        Advanced users may choose to override these options, but **you do so
        at your own peril**.

        If the rsync operation times out before completion
        If the rsync operation fails for any other reason

    This method does not perform any validation or normalization of the source,
    destination, exclude-list, additional arguments or rsync options.
    rsync_flags = rsync_flags or "shaz"

    args: list[str] = [RSYNC, f"-{rsync_flags}"]  # type: ignore[list-item]
    if delete:
    if dry_run:
        args.extend(("--dry-run", "--stats"))
        if verbosity < 1:
            # at 1+ we don't need it to be machine-parseable
            args.append("--out-format=%i %n")
        if verbosity >= 0:
        if verbosity == 0:
        if verbosity >= 1:
    if verbosity > 0:
        args.append("-" + "v" * verbosity)

    for pattern in exclude:
        args.extend(("--exclude", pattern))
    args.extend((source, destination_folder))

        "Executing the following command:\n %s",
        " ".join(args),

    with subprocess.Popen(
        stdout=subprocess.PIPE if dry_run else None,
    ) as proc:
        if timeout:
            except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as times_up:
                if proc.stdout is not None:
                    if output_log :="UTF-8"):
                if proc.stderr is not None:
                    if error_log :="UTF-8"):
                raise TimeoutError("Timeout reached.") from times_up

        if proc.stdout is not None:
            if output_log :="UTF-8"):
                if verbosity > 0:
                    dry_run_output = output_log.splitlines()
                    dry_run_output = summarize_rsync_report(output_log)
                for line in dry_run_output:
                    if _is_important_stats_line(line):
                        SYNC_LOGGER.log(25, line)

        if proc.stderr is not None:
            if error_log :="UTF-8"):
                if "No such file or directory" in error_log:
                    raise FileNotFoundError(error_log)
                raise RuntimeError(error_log)  # pragma: no cover

summarize_rsync_report(raw_output, depth=2)

Take the captured output from running rsync -ha --out-format="%i %n" and report a high-level summary to the logging.INFO level


Name Type Description Default
raw_output str

The raw output captured from running the rsync command

depth int

How many directories to go down from the root to generate the summary. Default is 2 (just report on top-level files and folders within the source folder).



Type Description
list of str

Any lines that weren't part of the rsync report (and were probably part of --stats?)


The rsync man page ( describes the output format as... "cryptic," which I find rather charitable. The relevant bits are that --out-format="%i %n" produces: - %i : a string of 11 characters that gives various metadata about the file transfer operation (is it a file, a directory or a link? Is it being sent or received? Created, updated or deleted?) - %n: the path of the file (or whatever), unquoted, un-escaped

Source code in enderchest/sync/
def summarize_rsync_report(raw_output: str, depth: int = 2) -> list[str]:
    """Take the captured output from running
    `rsync -ha --out-format="%i %n"`
    and report a high-level summary to the logging.INFO level

    raw_output : str
        The raw output captured from running the rsync command
    depth : int, optional
        How many directories to go down from the root to generate the summary.
        Default is 2 (just report on top-level files and folders within the
        source folder).

    list of str
        Any lines that weren't part of the rsync report (and were probably
        part of `--stats`?)

    The rsync man page ( describes the output
    format as... "cryptic," which I find rather charitable. The relevant bits
    are that `--out-format="%i %n"` produces:
    - `%i` : a string of 11 characters that gives various metadata about the file
      transfer operation (is it a file, a directory or a link? Is it being
      sent or received? Created, updated or deleted?)
    - `%n`: the path of the file (or whatever), unquoted, un-escaped
    summary: dict[str, dict[str, int] | str] = defaultdict(
        lambda: {"create": 0, "update": 0, "delete": 0}
    stats: list[str] = []
    for line in raw_output.splitlines():
        if line == "":  # skip empty lines

        info = line.split()[0]
        full_path = os.path.normpath(" ".join(line.split()[1:]))
        path_key = os.sep.join(full_path.split(os.sep)[:depth])

        if info.startswith("*deleting"):
            if full_path == path_key:
                summary[path_key] = "delete"
                entry = summary[path_key]
                if not isinstance(entry, str):
                    entry["delete"] += 1
                # otherwise the whole thing is being deleted
        elif info[2:5] == "+++":  # this is a creation
            if full_path == path_key:
                summary[path_key] = "create"
                if info[1] != "d":  # don't count directories
                    entry = summary[path_key]
                    if isinstance(entry, str):
                        # then this is described by the top-level op
                        entry["create"] += 1
                    # otherwise the whole key is being created
        elif info[:2] in ("<f", ">f"):  # file transfer
            # and remember that creates were caught above, so this must be an update
            if full_path == path_key:
                summary[path_key] = "update"
                entry = summary[path_key]
                if isinstance(entry, str):  # pragma: no cover
                    # this should never happen, but still
                    entry["update"] += 1
        elif info[:2] == "cL":  # this is replacing a link, as far as I can tell
            if full_path == path_key:
                summary[path_key] = "update"
                entry = summary[path_key]
                if isinstance(entry, str):  # pragma: no cover
                    # this should never happen, but still
                    entry["update"] += 1
        elif info[:1] == ".":  # pragma: no cover
            # this just means permissions or dates are being updated or something
        else:  # then hopefully this is part of the stats report


    for path_key, report in sorted(summary.items()):
        if isinstance(report, str):
            # nice that these verbs follow the same pattern
  "{report[:-1].title()}ing {path_key}")
                f"Within {path_key}...\n%s",
                    f"  - {op[:-1].title()}ing {count} file{'' if count == 1 else 's'}"
                    for op, count in report.items()
    return stats