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188 statements
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1"""Command-line interface"""
3import datetime as dt
4import functools
5import logging
6import sys
7from pathlib import Path
8from typing import Any, Callable
10import click
12from . import _git, _version
13from . import backup as backup_
14from . import export as export_
15from . import fastforward
16from . import history as history_
17from . import onboard
18from . import rewind as rewind_
19from .logging import IMPORTANT, CLIFormatter, verbosity_to_log_level
20from .manifest import Manifest
22LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__package__)
26@click.help_option("--help", "-h")
27@click.version_option(_version.get_versions()["version"], "--version", "-v", "-V")
28def gsb():
29 """CLI for managing incremental backups of your save states using Git!"""
32def _subcommand_init(command: Callable) -> Callable:
33 """Register a subcommand and add some standard CLI handling"""
35 @functools.wraps(command)
36 def wrapped(path: Path | None, verbose: int, quiet: int, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
37 cli_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
38 cli_handler.setFormatter(CLIFormatter())
39 LOGGER.addHandler(cli_handler)
41 log_level = verbosity_to_log_level(verbose - quiet)
43 cli_handler.setLevel(log_level)
45 # TODO: when we add log files, set this to minimum log level across all handlers
46 LOGGER.setLevel(log_level)
47 try:
48 command((path or Path()).absolute(), *args, **kwargs)
49 except (OSError, ValueError) as oh_no:
50 LOGGER.error(oh_no)
51 sys.exit(1)
53 wrapped = click.option(
54 "--path",
55 type=Path,
56 metavar="SAVE_PATH",
57 help=(
58 "Optionally specify the root directory containing your save data."
59 " If no path is given, the current working directory will be used."
60 ),
61 )(wrapped)
63 wrapped = click.option(
64 "--verbose",
65 "-v",
66 count=True,
67 help="Increase the amount of information that's printed.",
68 )(wrapped)
70 wrapped = click.option(
71 "--quiet",
72 "-q",
73 count=True,
74 help="Decrease the amount of information that's printed.",
75 )(wrapped)
76 return gsb.command()(wrapped)
80 "--tag",
81 type=str,
82 help='Specify a description for this backup and "tag" it for future reference.',
83 metavar='"MESSAGE"',
86 "--combine",
87 "-c",
88 count=True,
89 help=(
90 "Combine this backup and the last backup,"
91 " or use -cc to combine ALL backups since the last tagged backup."
92 ),
95 "path_as_arg",
96 type=Path,
97 required=False,
98 metavar="[SAVE_PATH]",
101def backup(repo_root: Path, path_as_arg: Path | None, tag: str | None, combine: int):
102 """Create a new backup."""
103 parent_hash = None
104 if combine == 1:
105 try:
106 combine_me, parent = history_.get_history(
107 repo_root, tagged_only=False, include_non_gsb=True, limit=2
108 )
109 except ValueError as probably_not_enough_values:
110 if "not enough values to unpack" in str(probably_not_enough_values):
111 LOGGER.error("Cannot combine with the very first backup.")
112 sys.exit(1)
113 raise probably_not_enough_values # pragma: no-cover
115 LOGGER.log(IMPORTANT, "Combining with %s", combine_me["identifier"])
116 if combine_me["tagged"]:
117 LOGGER.warning("Are you sure you want to overwrite a tagged backup?")
118 history_.log_revision(combine_me, None)
119 confirmed: bool = click.confirm(
120 "",
121 default=False,
122 show_default=True,
123 )
124 if not confirmed:
125 LOGGER.error("Aborting.")
126 sys.exit(1)
127 _git.delete_tag(repo_root, combine_me["identifier"])
128 parent_hash = parent["identifier"]
129 if combine > 1:
130 try:
131 last_tag = history_.get_history(repo_root, tagged_only=True, limit=1)[0]
132 except IndexError:
133 LOGGER.error("There are no previous tagged backups.")
134 sys.exit(1)
135 LOGGER.log(IMPORTANT, "Combining with the following backups:")
136 combining = history_.show_history(
137 repo_root,
138 tagged_only=False,
139 include_non_gsb=True,
140 since_last_tagged_backup=True,
141 )
142 if not combining:
143 LOGGER.log(IMPORTANT, "(no backups to combine)")
144 parent_hash = last_tag["identifier"]
146 backup_.create_backup(path_as_arg or repo_root, tag, parent=parent_hash)
150 "--ignore",
151 type=str,
152 required=False,
153 multiple=True,
154 help=(
155 "Provide a glob pattern to ignore. Each ignore pattern"
156 ' must be prefaced with the "--ignore" flag.'
157 ),
160 "--track",
161 type=str,
162 required=False,
163 multiple=True,
164 help=(
165 "Provide a glob pattern to track (note: arguments without any flag will"
166 " also be treated as track patterns)."
167 ),
170 "track_args", type=str, required=False, nargs=-1, metavar="[TRACK_PATTERN]..."
173def init(
174 repo_root: Path,
175 track_args: tuple[str, ...],
176 track: tuple[str, ...],
177 ignore: tuple[str, ...],
179 """Start tracking a save."""
180 onboard.create_repo(repo_root, *track_args, *track, ignore=ignore)
184 "--include_non_gsb",
185 "-g",
186 is_flag=True,
187 help="Include backups created directly with Git / outside of gsb.",
189@click.option("--all", "-a", "all_", is_flag=True, help="Include non-tagged backups.")
191 "--since",
192 type=click.DateTime(),
193 required=False,
194 help="Only show backups created after the specified date.",
197 "--limit",
198 "-n",
199 type=int,
200 required=False,
201 help="The maximum number of backups to return.",
204 "path_as_arg",
205 type=Path,
206 required=False,
207 metavar="[SAVE_PATH]",
210def history(
211 repo_root: Path,
212 path_as_arg: Path | None,
213 limit: int | None,
214 since: dt.datetime | None,
215 all_: bool,
216 include_non_gsb: bool,
218 """List the available backups, starting with the most recent."""
220 kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {
221 "tagged_only": not all_,
222 "include_non_gsb": include_non_gsb,
223 }
224 if limit is not None:
225 if limit <= 0:
226 LOGGER.error("Limit must be a positive integer")
227 sys.exit(1)
228 kwargs["limit"] = limit
229 if since is not None:
230 kwargs["since"] = since
232 history_.show_history(
233 path_as_arg or repo_root, **kwargs, always_include_latest=True
234 )
238 "--include_gsb_settings",
239 is_flag=True,
240 help="Also revert the GSB configuration files (including .gitignore)",
243 "revision",
244 type=str,
245 required=False,
248def rewind(repo_root: Path, revision: str | None, include_gsb_settings: bool):
249 """Restore a backup to the specified REVISION."""
250 if revision is None:
251 revision = _prompt_for_a_recent_revision(repo_root)
252 try:
253 rewind_.restore_backup(repo_root, revision, not include_gsb_settings)
254 except ValueError as whats_that:
255 LOGGER.error(whats_that)
256 sys.exit(1)
259def _prompt_for_a_recent_revision(repo_root) -> str:
260 """Select a recent revision from a prompt"""
261 LOGGER.log(IMPORTANT, "Here is a list of recent backups:")
262 revisions = history_.show_history(repo_root, limit=10)
263 if len(revisions) == 0:
264"No tagged revisions found. Trying untagged.")
265 revisions = history_.show_history(
266 repo_root,
267 limit=10,
268 tagged_only=False,
269 )
270 if len(revisions) == 0:
271 LOGGER.warning("No GSB revisions found. Trying Git.")
272 revisions = history_.show_history(
273 repo_root,
274 limit=10,
275 tagged_only=False,
276 include_non_gsb=True,
277 )
278 if len(revisions) == 0:
279 LOGGER.error("No revisions found!")
280 sys.exit(1)
281 LOGGER.log(IMPORTANT, "\nMost recent backup:")
282 most_recent_backup = history_.show_history(
283 repo_root, limit=1, always_include_latest=True, numbering=0
284 )[0]
286 LOGGER.log(
288 "\nSelect one by number or identifier (or [q]uit and"
289 " call gsb history yourself to get more revisions).",
290 )
292 choice: str = click.prompt(
293 "Select a revision", default="q", show_default=True, type=str
294 ).lower()
296 if choice.lower().strip() == "q":
297 LOGGER.error("Aborting.")
298 sys.exit(1)
299 if choice.strip() == "0":
300 return most_recent_backup["identifier"]
301 if choice.strip() in [str(i + 1) for i in range(len(revisions))]:
302 return revisions[int(choice.strip()) - 1]["identifier"]
303 return choice
307 "revisions", type=str, required=False, nargs=-1, metavar="[REVISION]..."
310def delete(repo_root: Path, revisions: tuple[str, ...]):
311 """Delete one or more backups by their specified REVISION."""
312 if not revisions:
313 revisions = _prompt_for_revisions_to_delete(repo_root)
314 try:
315 fastforward.delete_backups(repo_root, *revisions)
316 LOGGER.log(
318 'Deleted backups are now marked as "loose."'
319 " To delete them immediately, run the command:"
320 "\n git gc --aggressive --prune=now",
321 )
322 except ValueError as whats_that:
323 LOGGER.error(whats_that)
324 sys.exit(1)
327def _prompt_for_revisions_to_delete(repo_root: Path) -> tuple[str, ...]:
328 """Offer a history of revisions to delete. Unlike similar prompts, this
329 is a multiselect and requires the user to type in each entry (in order to guard
330 against accidental deletions)."""
331 LOGGER.log(IMPORTANT, "Here is a list of recent GSB-created backups:")
332 revisions = history_.show_history(
333 repo_root, tagged_only=False, since_last_tagged_backup=True, numbering=None
334 )
335 revisions.extend(history_.show_history(repo_root, limit=3, numbering=None))
336 if len(revisions) == 0:
337 LOGGER.warning("No GSB revisions found. Trying Git.")
338 revisions = history_.show_history(
339 repo_root, limit=10, tagged_only=False, include_non_gsb=True, numbering=None
340 )
341 LOGGER.log(
343 "\nSelect a backup to delete by identifier, or multiple separated by commas."
344 "\nAlternatively, [q]uit and call gsb history yourself to get more revisions.",
345 )
346 if len(revisions) == 0:
347 LOGGER.error("No revisions found!")
348 sys.exit(1)
350 choices: str = click.prompt(
351 "Select a revision or revisions", default="q", show_default=True, type=str
352 ).lower()
354 if choices.lower().strip() == "q":
355 LOGGER.error("Aborting.")
356 sys.exit(1)
357 return tuple(choice.strip() for choice in choices.strip().split(","))
361 "-J",
362 "xz_flag",
363 is_flag=True,
364 flag_value="tar.xz",
365 help="Export as a .tar.xz archive.",
368 "-j",
369 "bz2_flag",
370 is_flag=True,
371 flag_value="tar.bz2",
372 help="Export as a .tar.bz2 archive.",
375 "-z",
376 "gz_flag",
377 is_flag=True,
378 flag_value="tar.gz",
379 help="Export as a .tar.gz archive.",
382 "-t",
383 "tar_flag",
384 is_flag=True,
385 flag_value="tar",
386 help="Export as an uncompressed .tar archive.",
389 "-p",
390 "zip_flag",
391 is_flag=True,
392 flag_value="zip",
393 help="Export as a .zip archive.",
396 "--format",
397 "archive_format",
398 type=str,
399 required=False,
400 help=(
401 "Format for the archived backup. If not specified,"
402 " an appropriate one will be chosen based on your OS."
403 ),
404 metavar="FORMAT",
407 "--output",
408 "-o",
409 type=Path,
410 required=False,
411 help=(
412 "Explicitly specify a filename for the archived backup."
413 " The format of the archive will be inferred from the extension"
414 " unless a format flag is provided."
415 ),
416 metavar="FILENAME",
419 "revision",
420 type=str,
421 required=False,
424def export(
425 repo_root: Path,
426 revision: str | None,
427 output: Path | None,
428 **format_flags,
430 """Create a stand-alone archive of the specified REVISION."""
431 print(format_flags)
432 specified_formats: list[str] = [value for value in format_flags.values() if value]
434 if len(specified_formats) > 1:
435 LOGGER.error("Conflicting values given for archive format")
436 sys.exit(1)
438 if revision is None:
439 revision = _prompt_for_a_recent_revision(repo_root)
441 if len(specified_formats) == 1:
442 archive_format = specified_formats[0]
443 if archive_format.startswith("."):
444 archive_format = archive_format[1:]
445 if output is None:
446 output = Path(
447 export_.generate_archive_name(
448 Manifest.of(repo_root).name, revision, extension=archive_format
449 )
450 )
451 else:
452 output = output.parent / ( + f".{archive_format}")
454 try:
455 export_.export_backup(repo_root, revision, output)
456 except ValueError as whats_that:
457 LOGGER.error(whats_that)
458 sys.exit(1)
462 "pytest_args",
463 nargs=-1,
465@gsb.command(context_settings={"ignore_unknown_options": True})
466def test(pytest_args: tuple[str, ...]): # pragma: no cover
467 """Run the GSB test suite to ensure that it is running correctly on your system.
468 Requires you to have installed GSB with the test extra
469 (_i.e._ `pipx install gsb[test]`)."""
470 import pytest
472 pytest.main(["--pyargs", "gsb.test", *pytest_args])